--- Comment #56 from Alex <> ---
Julien, Michael:

For your own "validation" 32-bit tests I suggest something along the lines of
what I did:

1.  Go to Ubuntu site and download the _32_-bit file,

Name:  "ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-i386.iso"
Size:  a Gig and change (will later fit on a 2G USB stick comfortably)

2.  Put this ISO file on the USB stick (a 2G "flash drive", < US$10)

3.  Reboot your computer on the USB ("Ubuntu-32") drive.

4.  Have no fear;  at the end of the boot you are presented with two choices:
Click on the "Try Ubuntu" button.
Obviously, only if you want to _install_ it somewhere on an existing drive,
mess up with the second "Install Ubuntu" button and what ensues.
"Try Ubuntu" mode should suffice for the investigation of this submitted bug,
in my very humble opinion.

5.  After hitting "Try Ubuntu" you will end up on a system,
"ubuntu 14.04 LTS" (in System Settings).

6.  Open an Xterm terminal and at the prompt type either,

 uname -m
 getconf LONG_BIT

to confirm you are on a 32-bit system (as you should and expected all along)

7.  Make sure you have sound:

 System Settings > Sound > "Play sound through"
  Choose your favorite sound output, then hit
  "Test Sound" to hear you have sound enabled properly.

Among the FEW things Ubuntu offers you by DEFAULT on the left icon bar,
 SURPRISE, SURPRISE (no Michael, I'm not shouting at Julien):

Libre Office !!!

8.  Click on the Impress button (lowest of the three LO buttons over there).

9.  Assuming you somehow copied (or can get to) the PPS files, open them in
Impress (i.e., the object of the game).

10.  NEITHER 'Prague.pps' NOR 'Watermelons.pps' emit ANY sound at all !!!

11.  Ironically, my third PPS file (I never mentioned before) called,
emits sound (beautifully), meaning (at least for me) that LO Impress does play
sound (on a 32-bit system) when it wants to.
But that would be the symptom of the bug, wouldn't it?

12. Same as on my mentioned Ubuntu 64, PulseAudio is at version 4.0 here too.

13. I can make the third ("new") file, 'AllTheGirls.pps' available on request.
I suggest you go through the steps 1 through 10 and publish the results before
we talk about that.

Sizes, for the record,
 Prague.pps       9+ GB
 Watermelons.pps  8- GB
 AllTheGirls.pps  5- GB

-- Alex

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