--- Comment #8 from Kevin Hunter <> ---
(In reply to QA Administrators from comment #7)
> Your bug was confirmed at least 1 year ago and has not had any activity on
> it for over a year. Your bug is still set to NEW which means that it is open
> and confirmed. It would be nice to have the bug confirmed on a newer version
> than the version reported in the original report to know that the bug is
> still present -- sometimes a bug is inadvertently fixed over time and just
> never closed.

Sigh.  I recognize that LibO is largely a volunteer-based community, but this
style of interaction doesn't give bug reporters much incentive to provide
further bug reports.  That is, I believe the initial post and requested
follow-up information -- all within the first hour after initial reporting in
2010 --*clearly* describe the problem / enhancement request: if
bugs/enhancement requests like this can "time-out" without any thought-process
or ownership from QA administrators or devs, then it is similarly not worth my
time to write the corresponding prose in the first place.

Annoyance aside, yes, this bug report/feature request is still a valid issue to
the best of my understanding of LibO 4.3 in Ubuntu 64-bit.

> Lastly, good bug reports help tremendously in making the process go
> smoother, please always provide reproducible steps (even if it seems easy)
> and attach any and all relevant material

This particular bug report is not "one of the weak ones" (the issue -- no
method to display arbitrary axis labels -- is stated in the first sentence, and
there are three supporting documents -- a LibO-created spreadsheet, an
Excel-created version of same, and an image highlighting the proper behavior),
exacerbating my earlier point about bug reporter frustration.  If the report
were weaker, I might better understand, but it's not and thus my grievance with
this LibO QA practice.

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