--- Comment #4 from Jay Philips <> ---
(In reply to A (Andy) from comment #2)
> In this case you would reduce the large box with the custom animations to
> have the place for the two list boxes?

Hope the mockup explains it better. :D

> Currently, we have a preview included.  Would this also still be possible
> with this solution?

There was always a preview checkbox in the sidebar. :D

> If you would have selected an animation out of the two list boxes, would you
> then add it with the + button?

So the behaviour would be like this :-

Add Effect:
1) Press + button
2) Select an effect and its options

Modify Effect:
1) Select an entry in the list
2) Change the settings

> This feature with the most (user-specific) important entries would be nice. 
> But with this solution you would have no more the categories listing?

The list would be categorized based on main category, like below:

  Fly In
  Venetian Blinds
  Color Blend

> I would prefer to have some sort of category listing.  Otherwise, you would
> have a very long list if you click on More.

More would open up the same dialog that we see currently.

> Therefore, I would currently
> tend more to the first solution with the two list boxes.  But maybe I would
> also need to see a preview how it would look like.

Think of it like the currently attached mockup and removing the category and
its drop down and putting the main category name in the listbox (i.e. replacing
'Basic' with 'Entrance').

> Further issues:
> In Effect Box section the distance between the heading Effect Box and the
> first drop-down list box line is smaller than for instance in the Slide
> Transition section of the Sidebar.
> The Direction drop-down list box is higher, because of the ... button (?). 
> Is there also any possibilty to have the same height in all three drop-down
> list box lines?

Yes ideally all three should be the same height and width, though not sure if
it is achievable.

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