--- Comment #4 from Winfried Donkers <> ---
(In reply to Tim Deaton from comment #3)
> With the NOPRINT function I suggested, the printing process would search for
> the output of that function (just as it now searches for a "print range")
> and on finding that output would perform those five steps automatically. 

Hi Tim,

I have two more comments on your request that need consideration:
- The NOPRINT function you suggest only supports not printing empty cell-rows,
whereas the filter offers many more options. To make a NOPRINT function
versatile (i.e. useful for many users, not just one or two), it would need to
have rather a lot of arguments as various filter-options (ranges as well as
criteria) must be possible. This makes the function less easy than your macro.
- The NOPRINT function you suggest is not a function in the way the functions
are defined (see
), i.e. a function returns a result which is shown in the cell where the
function resides, a function is stored with the document together with its
result (making it fast to read a spreadsheet document as no calculation is

All in all, I think that the functionality you want can be added in 3 ways:
-use your macro and saved in in your default spread document so that it is
available to you in all the spreadsheet documents that you create. This is a
solution for you/your documents only;
-make an extension that offers the functionality of your macro. Extensions can
me made quite easily (if you can write macros, making extensions shoud be
within your grasp, too) and can be made available to alle users who want his
-develop an extra functionality in Calc. Not a function, but a  menu option
(something like 'print filtered selection ...'), possibly with remebering the
filter settings, so that setting is needed only the first time and when
settings are to be changed.

The first two options are directly available to you, the third would need some
discussion with UI-experts before developing can be started. It may even be
that UI-experts say that the gain of the extra functionality is small compared
with the added complexity of the menu.
It is not that your idea is bad, not at all, but I try to balance the current
possibilities with the effort needed to enhance them and the benefit to the
general user.

This is just my personal opinion; I interested in your thoughts.

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