--- Comment #7 from ---
Created attachment 112423
Render of half-fixed image transforms

Hello, all.

I have created utils for regression testing of pdf import-export filters.
They are limited to Windows' batch language, but can be easily ported to *nix.
Additionally to libreoffice installation, Poppler's pdftocairo.exe and
ImageMagick's compare.exe are needed.

Here they are:
@echo off
set pdf_to_png=d:\poppler\bin\pdftocairo.exe
set libre_office=e:\_Projects\libreoffice-build\instdir\program\soffice.exe
set search_path=original\*.pdf
if not "%1" == "" set search_path=original\%1
for %%f in (%search_path%) do (
  echo Processing: %%~nf.pdf
  if not exist original\%%~nf.png (
    %pdf_to_png% -singlefile -png original\%%~nf.pdf 2>nul
  %libre_office% --convert-to odf --outdir libreoffice original\%%~nf.pdf
  %libre_office% --convert-to pdf --outdir libreoffice libreoffice\%%~nf.odf
  %pdf_to_png% -singlefile -png libreoffice\%%~nf.pdf 2>nul

@echo off
set cmp_path1=libreoffice-master
set cmp_path2=libreoffice
set cmp_path3=diff
set im_compare=d:\ImageMagick\compare
mkdir diff 2>nul
for %%f in (libreoffice-master\*.png) do (
  echo Comparing: %%~nf.png
  %im_compare% %cmp_path1%\%%~nf.png %cmp_path2%\%%~nf.png

And I have tested this test utils on gerrit commit #13957 with 23 different PDF
files: no regressions was found.

Also render result for image_transforms.pdf with latest commit attached.

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