--- Comment #17 from Bernhard Dippold <> ---
Hi Matthew, thanks for bibisection!

As ignoring the flag "style:use-optimal-row-height='true'" on FileOpen has been
done on purpose, I wouldlike to know, where we should discuss the positive and
negative aspects of this behavior. 

While I understand, that file opening time can be reduced in the majority of
cases by ignoring that flag, LibreOffice loses it's capacity to handle files in
ODS Format being modified on XML base (while staying valid OASIS ODF

I stated in the first comment the importance of this point for our group of
hospitals, so we need a decision inside LibO on the way to go. If necessary we
would give AOO a try, but that's a step I'd really like to avoid.

So - where should the question be discussed?

Thanks for reply!

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