--- Comment #7 from ---
m.a.riosv, thank you for investigating.

1. Whether it's a bug or missing functionality, it would be good if labels
could be referenced as relative references. Labels for identifying rows and
columns (and individual cells as well), are important for building spreadsheets
that are structured in a manner that makes them more understandable and
maintainable. Calc supports copying sheets. When a sheet is designed for
analysis of a single entity (e.g. economic output of a nation), the obvious way
to analyze multiple instances of the same type of entity (i.e. to analyze a
number of nations) is to copy the spreadsheet for one instance of the entity
and then change the data for that second instance, but doing the same analysis
of the data for each instance of the entity. In such a case, the formulas in
the second instance that use column and row headings would likely desire for
the labels they reference to refer to the column and row headings on their own
sheet. So when the sheet copy is done, it would be good if the labels on the
first sheet to be treated as relative references. Labels are better for this
than names because a formula using a label is more understandable than a
formula using a name since a labels that are column or row headings are
conspicuous in their presence. On the other hand, the existence of names is
determined by doing "Insert > Names > Manage", which is inconvenient.

2. I'm sorry I'm not understanding your comment. It seems like your comment
says that it's acceptable for the state of a sheet to be changed by the process
of saving and then opening the file - and I would be surprised for someone to
say that. Can you explain more explicitly?

3. It's a bug for the state of the file to be changed by doing a file save
followed by a file open. Also, it's clear to me that absolute and relative
references should be supported for labels the same as they are for names.

Thank you for your consideration.

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