--- Comment #1 from Piet van Oostrum <> ---
Saving some Writer files to MS Word 97-2003 (DOC) format mangles the comments.
See the attached ODT file, where the comments are in order 
Original comment 1 + Reply to this
Comment 2
Comment 3
Comment 4
Comment 5
Comment 6
Comment 7

In the saved DOC file, when opened in MS Word, the order is:

Original comment 1 + Reply to this
Comment 3
Comment 4
Comment 2
Another copy of Original comment 1

The others have disappeared, and Comment 2 is attached to the wrong text.

Actually, the comments are still in the file, because when the DOC file is
opened in LibreOffice, it looks OK. So there is a problem is the export code
that is compensated by the same error in the import code.

When saving this file as DOCX or RTF it opens correctly in MS Word.

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