--- Comment #16 from ---
The bug is still present as of and has *worsened*. In the following
point 1 is new, while the other two points are confirmed from the past.

1) A symbolic link, in /usr/local/bin/libreoffice4.4 is created by the
libreoffice4.4-debian-menus.  This is a very evident violation of the
debian policy. Deb packages *must not* place any files in /usr/local, either by
putting them in the file system archive to be unpacked by dpkg or by
manipulating them in their maintainer scripts (Debian policy manual Section
9.1.2 Site-specific programs). It is also in violation of the Linux Filesystem
Hierachy Standard, that states "The /usr/local hierarchy is for use by the
system administrator when installing software locally. *It needs to be safe
from being overwritten when the system software is updated*". Note that up to
version 4.3, libreoffice was putting a link in /usr/bin, which was OK with the

2) The link to libreoffice4.4 should likely not be managed/created by the
libreoffice4.4-debian-menus package as it is. In fact, the debian-menus package
should have to do with the /desktop integration/. The link to have libreoffice
on the path should be provided even if one choses not to install the desktop
integration, because it has to do with the ability to start the program at all
which is needed even without desktop integration (e.g. in installations where
libreoffice is used as a server for document conversion with no desktop
integration at all).

3) The system lacks a libreoffice executable (namely, something like
/usr/bin/libreoffice, rather than /usr/bin/libreoffice4.4). This should be
present and managed by the debian alternatives system. Otherwise, when one
upgrades libreoffice (e.g. from 4.3 to 4.4) all the scripts that need to call
libreoffice break and need to be manually updated (or a manually created link
needs manual updating).  If the alternative system is not feasible (due to
chance of breaking if debian decides to implement a similar scheme for its own
deb files of libreoffice), the idea in #9 of having a package to provide the
default version to invoke would be a step forward. Another possibility would be
to use the alternative mechanism with name "libreoffice-default" not to
conflict with debian. But, please, provide something to call that is stable
between upgrades.

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