--- Comment #46 from Henrik <> ---
I can confirm that this bug is still alive running 4.4.1rc2 on Ubuntu.

I have been trying out different set ups to see when this bug is occurring. The
problem seems to be related to the English locale setting. I have tested it
with different combinations of UI language and locale language.

My testing gave the following results (remember to restart LibreOffice every
time you change the locale language, otherwise it doesn't work):

UI language = English (UK):
Locale language = Danish
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' works as it should in English, Danish, French and

Locale language = German (Germany)
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' works as it should in English, Danish, French and

Locale language = French (France)
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' works as it should in English, Danish, French and

Locale language = English (UK)
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' ONLY works as it should in English, but NOT in
Danish, French or German.

UI language = Danish
Locale language = Danish
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' works as it should in English, Danish, French and

Locale language = French (France)
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' works as it should in English, Danish, French and

Locale language = German (Germany)
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' works as it should in English, Danish, French and

Locale language = English (UK)
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' ONLY works as it should in English and Danish, but
NOT in French or German.

UI language = German (Germany)
Locale language = Danish
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' works as it should in English, Danish, French and

Locale language = French (France)
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' works as it should in English, Danish, French and

Locale language = German (Germany)
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' works as it should in English, Danish, French and

Locale language = English (UK)
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' ONLY works as it should in German and English, but
NOT in Danish or French.

UI language = French (France)
Locale language = German (Germany)
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' works as it should in English, Danish, French and

Locale language = French (France)
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' works as it should in English, Danish, French and

Locale language = Danish
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' works as it should in English, Danish, French and

Locale language = English (UK)
Result: AutoCorrect of 'i' ONLY works as it should in English, but NOT in
German, French, or Danish.

Build ID: 40m0(Build:2)
Locale: da_DK
OS: Ubuntu 14.04 x86

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