Joel Madero <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|REOPENED                    |NEW
                 CC|                            |libreoffice-ux-advise@lists
                   |                            |
          Component|Writer                      |ux-advise
           Hardware|x86 (IA32)                  |All
                 OS|Windows (All)               |All

--- Comment #3 from Joel Madero <> ---
Fine - tossing this to UX and they can decide. If it's closed again please do
not reopen it - just because a single user is unhappy with it does not mean
that we're going to change the behavior. 

But - UX can decide. Also in the future before playing with the status of bugs
please read the documentation so that you know what is correct - REOPENED has a
specific definition and it does not apply here.

UX Team - your call. I am all for just closing this as NOTABUG but if you guys
disagree, feel free to move it forward.

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