--- Comment #3 from Edmund Laugasson <> ---
Done - the UI scale factor quick reset feature request - bug 91556.

As you can see - changing the UI scale factor does not give dynamically
feedback currently and is not reversible an easy way for now. Even if there
will be such scale factor reset switch - it is not dynamical way to change font
size and therefore not comfortable.

The idea was that why make possible to scale only half of Help window - why not
make possible to change the rest of window as well?

Certainly I can use operating system feature to zoom in/out all apps if such
feature exist in used operating system but it might not be possible.

I would propose to consider also think for people with special needs and
searching that scaling factor change from settings takes too much effort
instead of just quickly rescaling it using CTRL+mouse scroll as usually it
works in many applications and also in LibreOffice.

But yes - I understand that this is not just the text anymore but overall
application font size. Then I would propose to have shortcut key to change
scale factor. This could be also for UI and possibly using some special key in
addition, e.g. CTRL+ALT+ +/- or mouse scroll. Here should be careful as chosen
shortcut key might change e.g. GUI resolution in Linux or similar.

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