--- Comment #2 from Georg Schwarz <> ---
please let me add the following:

This issue is solely about user interface consistency. I am not a Mac
programmer, but I am sure those around here who are will be able to confirm
that Apple with the Macintosh did and does provide certain Human Interface
guidelines (as do many if not most other platforms). I would be very surprised
not to find the naming of standard menu entries of the menu bar being
standardized there for every supported language. For German, what I am
consistently seeing, for MacOS Finder, Apple-provided applications, or any
third party application, is (from left to right) <program's name>, "Ablage",
"Bearbeiten" (would be "File" and "Edit" in English), followed by the more
application-specific menu entries.

Please note that I did not say that this was a "translation" issue; in fact
it's simply an issue of user interface consistency, and Open Office (in its
MacOS version) uses an incorrect term here (which I guess should be easy to
fix, so probably no need for lengthy debates).

Now to the linguistic aspect (which I consider only second in relevance here,
but still, for completeness, let's briefly dive into that, too):
I do believe that Apple's (or whoever's it actually is) translation of "File"
in that particular case is not only correct but also the most adequate one. The
entire setting of a "desktop" was specifically chosen (by Apple as well as by
others before and after) to reflect the metaphor of a (traditional) office
desktop. While the English word "file" does translate into "Datei" in German
for technical data recording/indexing/processing purposes (e.g. in a library of
books or for a computer's file system = Dateisystem), in the context of office
work and (traditionally paper-bound) office processes the word "Ablage" is the
correct translation. So whoever selected that wording in German (I'm not even
sure it was Apple or someone before; but again this is not relevant here) did a
very fine job, because it adequately reflects, in German, the intended notion
of the desktop metaphor.

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