--- Comment #6 from Aphreally <> ---
Thanks Beluga for your help on this - if I need the spell checker I'll do what
you say.

Of course it doesn't fix the problem, which is real. As I said a short while
ago, "I think the spellchecker doesn't work because it's inner pointers are
either not properly pointing, or are pointing to something irrelevant - - -",
then said I had to reboot because "LibreOffice has stopped being able to open
files - - -".

The other programs I was using before the re-boot were working fine, it was
just LibreOffice that seemed ill.  When I did restart, everything was good
again with LibreOffice (which I took as confirmation of my opinion).

I was going to say yesterday (not as a bug report, but just describing my
experience [about what I regard as a general malfunction that will probably
take a lot of work to fix, and I don't know enough to try]) that I've noticed
quite a few "pointer problems" etc. while using the Word Processor.

These include the cursor being somewhere else than I expect during or after
typing an amendment - just an annoyance, not a real problem.

Another problem is with good and consistent formatting of automatic paragraph
numbering (which IS a real problem), even though I've been extremely careful
with amendments along the way, and carefully treating the whole automatically
numbered section before I close the file.

It looks lovely when I close the file.  But on reopening the file, the
numbering is right but the sizes are wrong, for example, or everything seems OK
except that all the automatic paragraph numbers on all 3 levels are "bold" when
I thought they would be (as they should have been) not bold.

Again just my opinion, but it seems that parameters used by the file at
reopening time are not what they should have been set at, or are not where they
should be - when at file closing time they made everything look OK.

Anyway I'm not a rich person, and haven't yet made a donation - I will when
either of these issues suddenly come right in some revised release without
"breaking" something else - - -

Best wishes!

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