--- Comment #5 from Kendall Koning <> ---
I have saved a file and will attach it in a minute.  I think the critical
section you're looking for is probably this:

<table:table-row table:style-name="ro1"><table:table-cell
table:formula="of:=3000/9" office:value-type="float"
table:formula="of:=[.A1]*3" office:value-type="float" office:value="1000"

...which suggests that the values in the save files are correct, and that they
are just displaying incorrectly.  At least this means errors don't cascade.

As for the preference setting for "Use printer metrics for text formatting", it
is NOT checked.

As far as I can tell based on the information from the OSX Activity Monitor,
it's not using any libraries outside of the bundle.  But just
to eliminate this possibility, I tested the same .app bundle on another Mac. 
The problem did exist on that mac as well.  So the problem might be limited to
that build on that OS, but it seems to be reproducible across machines.

I'll try newer and older builds next.

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