--- Comment #12 from ClDc <> ---

In comment 11 I have attached a test case and its results

May be I should have opened a new bug, but it looks like this issue, it is
about hidden paragraphs and conditional text.
All was working fine with LibreOffice  on Windows 7 but all is broken
with Version: (x64)
Build ID: 81898c9f5c0d43f3473ba111d7b351050be20261
Locale : fr-FR (fr_FR) on Windows 10 + JRE 1.8.0_60 (X64)

1) oo_lo_hidden.Zip contains:

1.1) a data base test_hidden.odb which contains a table T_address

1.2) doc_to_print.odt which contains

- for the first line,  3 hidden paragraphs

if ident_code  == 1  then   --->      Mr. <firstName> <name>
if ident_code  == 2  then   --->      Ms. <firstName> <name>
if ident_code  == 3  then   --->      <name>

Exactly one line, no less, no more should be printed

- 1 hidden paragraph for the field adr2, if empty it should not be printed

- a conditionned text

if ident_code  == 3  then   --->     "an organization"  else a person

2)  Expected result can be found in folder result_lo_4.3.7.2
     Generated with LibreOffice  on Windows 7

odt and pdf files are generated for individual and unique documents
 the content of the 3 documents should be

------------------------------------------  1  -----------------------------
“Mr. Pierre Durand
19 rue du bois
post box 5

This text is about a person
------------------------------------------- 2 ------------------------------

“ Ms. Martine Dupont
20 rue du lac

This text is about a person”

----------------------------------------- 3---------------------------------


Document Foundation
5 rue du code

This text is about an organization


This is correct with Loo_4.3.7.2 except “This text is about” which should not
be bold in pages 2 and 3 of unic_doc.* files

3)  unexpected results can be found in folder result_lo_5.0.1.2_x64

Generated with Loo  on Windows 10 + JRE 1.8.0_60 (X64)

Version: (x64)
Build ID: 81898c9f5c0d43f3473ba111d7b351050be20261
Locale : fr-FR (fr_FR)

Each of of the file is wrong, pdf, odt, individual, unique

in individual doc for “Dupont”we see :

 Mr. Martine Dupont
 Ms. Martine Dupont
20 rue du lac


This text is about a person


all the hidden paragraphs are displayed.

In unique document we see for “Dupont” :

“ 20 rue du lac

This text is about a person

The first line, a hidden paragraph is absent.

Dupon0.pdf is wrong is contains the data of “Durand”

Document Foundation0.pdf  contains the data of “Durand”

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