--- Comment #9 from Alex <> ---
I think in the overall scope of things this bug doesn't warrant additional
attention.  First of all, it may be that it only applies to Excel 5.0 formats,
and there are probably very few other people still using a 20 year-old version
of Excel.  But, even if this bug weren't there, someone with an Excel workbook
of any version which used NamedRanges who tries to convert it to Calc would
soon find that Calc doesn't handle NamedRanges with the full range of features
that Excel did 20 years ago, and be faced with either staying with Excel or
re-designing their workbook in order to deal with the relative defficiencies of
Calc.  I attempted the latter, gave up, and stayed with Excel for workbooks
employing NamedRanges, Basic programming extensions, or custom dialogs.

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