--- Comment #4 from Luke Kendall <> ---
Well, I don't know if this is related or not: let me know if I should submit it
as a separate bug...

I opened up two files - both large, about 120,000 words long.  One is my novel,
which LO edits in quite a snappy fashion (let's call this MS).  The other is
basically the same, but with a very large number of comments from a
professional editor (let's call this MS-ed): LO clearly has some kind of O(N^2)
algorithm when it comes to handling comments, since it struggles horribly to
edit this file.  (Both are in .odt format.)

Anyway, that's just context background.  I opened MS, no problem, and MS-ed.  I
clicked in the scroll region below the scroll-thumb in MS-ed to jump down a
page (since scrolling using the mouse wheel is very laggy - it can take a
minute for LO to finish its painfully slow and staggering scrolling).

What happened was that LO never stopped scrolling. "top" shows it was using
over 99% CPU.  I couldn't get X11 to let me change window focus - I had to use
Alt-tab to get to a Terminal. Nor did the mouse scroll wheel work while LO was
madly scrolling.  In the end I attached to the process in gdb, got a backtrace,
and killed the LO process.  As soon as I did so, X11 mouse events started
working correctly again.

I restarted LO, and almost the same thing happened: one mouse click in the
scroll region, and LO scrolled page by page by page by page... I tried to drag
the scroll thumb back up to stop it, then releaed the mouse. No mouse events
were accepted elsewhere (e.g. I couldn't change focus using the mouse), but
after about a minute the scrolling stopped and the system started responding to
mouse events normally.

I don't dare use the mouse to scroll, though.  I can use Page-up/down safely
(each page-scroll takes about 5 secs to complete).

This is on an Intel NUC (AMD x64) with 16GB RAM.

With LO running but not doing any editing:

top - 16:17:43 up 91 days, 19:53, 14 users,  load average: 0.50, 0.75, 0.82
Tasks: 267 total,   3 running, 263 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
%Cpu(s): 12.8 us,  0.6 sy,  0.0 ni, 86.6 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem:  16101596 total, 13980472 used,  2121124 free,  2462616 buffers
KiB Swap:  9820156 total,  1089084 used,  8731072 free.  4949980 cached Mem

  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND     
29840 luke      20   0 3548172 1.821g  47576 S  48.8 11.9   1066:09 firefox     
 3221 luke      20   0  687556  25736   5800 S   2.3  0.2  30:54.65 gnome-term+ 
 1762 root      20   0  733288 337232 203572 S   1.3  2.1   2097:51 Xorg        
 2977 luke      20   0  410924   4128   2484 S   1.0  0.0   1471:33 indicator-+ 

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