--- Comment #10 from ---
As I said above: I am working with a Gentoo Linux machine here, so I have to
compile all kinds of Qt and KDE applications on my own and that works fine
(except for unpatched LibreOffice). I am also maintaining a KDE application for
more than 15 years, so I know about this topic from porting from KDE-3 to

If you want some "external reference", please read here for the topic "library

---------- citation begin ----------
Including headers

    In public header files, always use this form to include Qt headers:
#include <QtCore/qwhatever.h>. The library prefix is neccessary for Mac OS X
frameworks and is very convenient for non-qmake projects. 
---------- citation end ----------

The lower case file names like "qwhatever.h" seem to be ok, but most people use
the class name like "QWhatEver". You can go to, choose a KDE4
based application and look how they handle this, so just as a reference, you
may want to take a look here for an example:

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