--- Comment #4 from Luke Kendall <> ---
I closed and reopened the document today; and found that many of the comments
that I copied across, at the start of the document, are once again appearing in
12 point.  I have lost count of the number of times I have selected "Format All
Comments" and selected 10 point.  LO appears to revert the font size to the
default of 12 for some comments.

On inspection, the first 11 comments by my editor (which I copied across into
my under-revision document) had reverted to 12 pt; these are largely
interleaved with my own comments (which are still 10 pt). The on the 7th page,
the 1st comment on the page (my editor's copied), is 10 pt; the 2nd comment (my
editor, copied) is 12 pt.
For the next 11 pages, all comments are 10 pt; then one of my editor's, on p18,
is again in 12pt.  Likewise his next 3 comments (mine, interleaved are 10 pt). 
Then all comments are in 10 pt for a few pages.

And so on.  It appears to be random.

I then once again selected "Format All Comments" and selected 10 point.  Ithen
scanned through the document, and checked perhaps 100 comments across a hundred
or so pages, and all seemed to be 10 pt as you would expected.  I then saved
and closed an re-opened it.

At that point LO crashed.  A panel popped up saying "Due to an unexpected
error, LibreOffice crashed.  All the files you were working on will now be
saved." etc.

LO did not successfully save the changes, nor did it even appear ti notice that
the document wa open (it was not recovered).  Anyway, I just re-opened the
file, and saw once again that the comments were of varying size, and selected
one and did the Format All Comments again to set them all to 10 pt and saved it
again.  This time it worked, and I skimmed around and all comments appeared to
be 10 pt.  I then closed it and reopened it, and it looked like exactly the
same comments which had been 12 pt, were once more 12 pt - as if the Save had
not saved the format change.

I made an edit to the main document, and repeated the Format All Comments and
re-saved.  That also made no difference: none of the format changes to the
comments had been saved.

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