--- Comment #8 from Rainer Bielefeld <> 
2012-05-11 01:49:03 PDT ---
> How to close tis one? 
Don't worry about the Bugzilla dashboard, we will do that. Only think about the
bug description.

>... to which cell(reference) is assigned testvalue3 when you go to sheet 

"testvalue1" is always related to sheet $data1
"testvalue3" is related to a range on the sheet from where I open 'Insert Name'

May be hints on <> will help you to
find out what information will be useful to reproduce your problem? If you
believe that that  is really sophisticated please as for Help on a user mailing
- Write a meaningful Summary describing exactly what the problem is
- Contribute a step by step instruction containing every key press and every 
  mouse click how to reproduce your problem (due to example in Bug 43431)
– if possible contribute an instruction how to create a sample document 
  from the scratch (IMHO most interesting)
- add information 
  -- what EXACTLY is unexpected
  -- and WHY do you believe it's unexpected (cite Help or Documentation!)
  -- concerning your OS (Version, Distribution, Language)
  -- concerning your LibO localization (UI language, Locale setting)
  –- Libo settings that might be related to your problems 
  -- how you launch LibO and how you opened the sample document
  -- everything else crossing your mind after you read linked texts

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