--- Comment #13 from ---
By the way. I discover something & I'm not sure whether it should be put in new
bug or included here. But even if it should be put in new bug, it is related to
this bug.

Please open this link:

I copy/past contents of 1st TABLE to LibreOffice docx. (after click on LTR icon
in talbar) & same bug (bug 98682) in this thread occur. But new things are:

1- Table oriented completely wrong & CAN NOT CORRECTED by select all then press
on "LTR icon" from toolbar. I can not correct it unless by creating new column
on side of my left hand then copy/past what are on extrime right to
corresponding location in new column then delete at most right column then
resize new left column width.

2- After copy/past, I try to save docx. for 1st time but it crushed! Recovery
windows open to me ask for recovery or not. I attached the file (attached file
"Table" docx.). But this attached file I get it after giving "O.K" for recovery
then saving it.

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