--- Comment #4 from Aron Budea <> ---
Created attachment 125516
Schrödinger's cat

Got an e-mail from h7rojas with some details, thanks. My conclusion is a bit
different, though (the information I got is that it occurs in 64-bit, but not
in 32-bit).

Before I spoil the details, see attachment, and in particular formula/values C1
and C2.

C1 is formatted as Boolean value, and 150 is TRUE if it's displayed as boolean.
However, I didn't format it as such. What happens is that if you first input a
boolean formula in the field, it's displayed as Boolean value, if you later
change it to a numerical formula, the display format doesn't change, and the
result is displayed as boolean.

I'm leaning towards considering this a bug, but there are many different cases
here with different display formats, and automatically adjusting the display
format might not work in all cases.

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