--- Comment #53 from Renato MirĂ³ <> ---
Hi, I'm trying to reuse an old notebook with the following specs:

- Pentium T3400 (fairly reasonable 64-bit CPU)
- 2 GB RAM
- 14" 1280x800 LCD controlled by a SiS 771/671 chip <-- the problem!

That chip is somewhat of a pain to use in Linux. Originally with Vista, I only
found an "official" driver for Win7 at SiS. For Linux/Xorg, there's a driver
(sisimedia) by Thomas Winischhofer, which Mageia 5 makes available.

Though only able to play videos at 640x480 maximum, the driver enables
satisfactory use of most other kinds of applications at 1280x800. Firefox,
Dolphin, Thunar, KPatience, Chromium BSU, Megamario, Okular, Kwin & KDE
settings, Xfcewm & Configuration Manager... every program I ran did not present
any kind of problem when scrolling (I tried also to vary the zoom). Programs
were retested to ensure accuracy in the present report.

In Libreoffice Writer (the version in Mageia 5) I can see the same kind
of artifact shown on the previously attached pics. Also, I verified the
problems seems to disappear below 55% zoom. The problem shows in Print layout
and Web layout likewise.

I confirm Heinz Repp's comment #14 here, too, with regard to the same settings
mentioned -- no setting in Libreoffice could improve the situation.

Calc does not present that behavior. On a simple spreadsheet (columns with
months' names), at varying zoom scales, text was always perfectly rendered.


A workaround I found is disabling acceleration in xorg.conf (Option "NoAccel"
"True"). Using that option for this hardware and driver makes the problem go
away. I don't know if the same solution will help other kinds of hardware.


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