--- Comment #7 from Zenaan Harkness <> ---
This bug (now solved it seems, but sort of - see below) particularly effects
legal documents where marginalia are used for per paragraph numbering.

Refer to the odt and other attachments to the following bug to see what I mean:

This bug #62071, in its technically specific description, appears to have been
solved - for example try opening the .odt attachment to the bug listed just
above and go the end of one of the paragraphs, and press delete - the
subsequent frame is deleted, AND the following paragraph is joined onto the
current paragraph.

However, the way this works I think ought to change, to keep the improvement of
the LO implementation, but to also include the improvement from the MSWord

In WordXP, when at the end of a para and where the "next" para is actually the
marginalia ("legal para numbering") for the subsequent para, pressing <DELETE>
does nothing! That's bad. The current (at least LO5.2) LO implementation is
definitely more functional, and thus better - delete does something quite

HOWEVER, in WordXP, when I am at the end of a para and where the "next" para is
actually the marginalia ("legal para numbering") for the subsequent para,
pressing <RIGHT> moves the cursor to the beginning of the marginalia para (the
para in the "marginalia frame") - again, see the attachments to #101753!
- then going to the end of the marginalia (framed) para, then press <RIGHT>
again, and the cursor ends up at the beginning of the subsequent paragraph.

My experience in WordXP includes the creation, editing, modifying and
manipulating via macros, the sum total of over 10,000 of these "marginalia"
paragraphs, and the ability to use cursor movement, and having WordXP treat
these marginalia paras as "just normal paras" is a huge editing and efficiency

WordXP allows me to do a lot of things in macros, from fine tuning the
refernces in the marginalia, both content and style, whilst jumping back and
forth between the marginalia para and the subsequent or any other related para
(with the marginalia para being a "ref" or "numbered reference" to its
associated subsequent para).

This is very common in legal documents. My (volunteer) job at the moment is to
convert 10,000 of these marginalia paras into LibreOffice, and learn
LibreOffice while I'm at it.

When I look at the XML of the LO document, the marginalia paras (at least, so
far as they are imported from a .doc 2003 document) are sequenced in between
the other paras - so the logical text flow exists, what is needed is really
only the final UI tweak of allowing RIGHT and LEFT arrow to --include-- the
marginalia (framed) paras.

Basically, when a framed (marginalia) para is anchored to another para, it
should be considered to be in sequence logically immediately prior to the para
to which it is anchored.

The question becomes what to do in cursor movement and text logical sequencing,
when framed text paras are anchored to char, page or some other object:
>From a macro developer perspective (aka end user solving various difficult
problems perspective), the options should be made available in the
gui/menus/etc, so that any particular macro (or normal editing) can choose to
include and disclude various types of framed text, including anchored-to-para
"marginalia", as needed. We should not limit what the end user can accomplish.

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