--- Comment #6 from Lionel Elie Mamane <> 2012-06-07 12:58:19 
PDT ---
(In reply to comment #5)
> (In reply to comment #4)
> > But sqlite 3 *does* support fractional seconds in at least some
> > contexts.  From a terminal session, first the command interpreter that
> > comes with sqlite3 ...
> > 
> >     $ sqlite3 ../bug_047520/bug_047520.db 
> >     SQLite version 3.7.4
> >     Enter ".help" for instructions
> >     Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
> >     sqlite> .mode columns
> >     sqlite> select * from byTs ;
> >     1           2012-04-06 12:34:56.654321  Friday    
> >     2           2012-04-05 13:45:57.123456  Thursday  
> >     sqlite> 
> 1) When putting a timestamp through a parameter of a parametric query (as
> LibreOffice does), sqliteodbc will use exactly three positions after the
> decimal dot, so will issue something like "SELECT * from byTs WHERE
> ts='2012-04-05 13:45:57.123'". So it won't find your data because of 
> truncation
> issues. That's a bug in sqliteodbc. Even if this bug were corrected in
> sqliteodbc, it still wouldn't work, because LibreOffice truncates data to 
> *two*
> positions after decimal dot. That's an imperfection in LibreOffice.
> 2) Now, try this in sqlite3 prompt:
>    SELECT * FROM byTs WHERE ts='2012-04-05 13:45:57.1234560'
>    ---> no row found, while it should find the second row.
>    INSERT INTO byTs VALUES (3, '2012-04-04 15:20:22.980', 'Wednesday');  
>    SELECT * FROM ByTs WHERE ts='2012-04-04 15:20:22.98';
>    ---> no row found, while it should find the just inserted row, as 22.980 ==
> 22.98 when understood as numbers!!!
>    Similarly
>    INSERT INTO byTs VALUES (3, '2012-04-04 15:20:22.98', 'Wednesday');  
>    SELECT * FROM ByTs WHERE ts='2012-04-04 15:20:22.980';
>    That's a bug in sqlite3.

Compare with:

  SELECT * FROM ByTs WHERE nr=2.0;

Which correctly finds the second row.

Also consider:

 INSERT INTO byTs VALUES (4, '2012-04-04 15:20:22.98', 'Wednesday');

This should fail, since there is already a row with ts value "4 april 2012,
three pm, twenty minutes, twenty-two seconds and 98 hundredths of a second"
which is the same as "4 april 2012, three pm, twenty minutes, twenty-two
seconds and 980 thousandths of a second" .

> >   (*) It is possible to retrieve the data successfully by disguising the
> >       key column:
> > 
> >           select nr, cast( "ts" as char(26) ), word from byTs

Yes, because then you tell LibreOffice and sqliteodbc not to treat data from
this column as a timestamp, but as a string, whithout normalising it. For
*strings*, '2012-04-04 15:20:22.98' is not the same string as '2012-04-04
15:20:22.980', but for *timestamps* it is the *same* timestamp. sqlite3 seems
to treat them more as strings than as timestamps. Ah yes, look:

sqlite> INSERT INTO byTs VALUES (5, 'not a timestamp', 'Wednesday');
sqlite> SELECT * FROM ByTs WHERE nr=5;
nr    ts             word
----  -------------  ----
5     not a timestamp  Wednesday

The insert should have failed, because the value given to ts column is not a
valid timestamp!

sqliteodbc/sqlite ARE LYING to LibreOffice when saying this column is a
timestamp. They should just declare it as (unbounded) string, because that's
how sqlite treats it...

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