--- Comment #8 from V Stuart Foote <> ---
The "old" page and table "footnote" order for AMA (American Medical
Association) is: *, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶ then doubles, then triples. But in the last
manual they have limited the symbol usage to just page footnotes (using
superscript lowers for tables) so fewer symbols are needed for just footnotes.

Seems we would not need the double vertical line (‖ - U+2016) while use of the
pilcrow (¶ - U+00b6) would interfere with our paragraph marker when
non-printing characters are showing. 

Chicago (Univ of Chicago) manual of style uses the sequence *, †, ‡, §... when
Endnotes are mixed with Footnotes on a page.

So here I would agree to matching the MS Office OOXML use of just the *, †, ‡,
§... sequence. As it makes sense both to provide a symbol number format--but
also for interoperability--looking at an OOXML document MS Office annotates
this number format as "chicago" in the XML.

Correct way would be to add a new constant entry to the NumberingType.idl and
then implement the fixed sequence(s) of

* - U+002a
† - U+2020
‡ - U+2021
§ - U+00a7

then double symbols, then triple symbols. 

The NumberingType constant could be named "CHICAGO" in the IDL, or generic

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