--- Comment #4 from JBW <> ---
First, thanks for your attention to this. Noted that you had to change the
status after my last visit to "UNCONFIRMED". Not sure why this happened as I
thought I'd changed that.

To respond to your questions. No, the document was created in Word 2016, and I
was trying to recreate my styles in the LibreOffice document went things went

But I'm not sure what your comment is saying. Are you saying that you cannot
reproduce my observed problem when you open this document? To perhaps repeat:
my difficulty is that some headings seem to be negatively indented--hanging
1/4" to the left of the page/text margin. And I cannot seem to correct this
because the style (cleared, deleted, added again, changed to "normal", etc,
etc) says that there is no indent! By every means of reckoning, the style
specification asserts that the heading text is already lined up with no hanging
line or indent.

I'm afraid that I have now abandoned LibreOffice and moved that document back
to Word (where it gave me a similar problem but I think I corrected it there).
In short I'm afraid I've moved on. 

I'm disappointed. I am quite frankly amazed at the quality of LibreOffice and
very disappointed that it didn't work out. But stumbling this early on a
difficulty that proved to be so stubborn is something I don't want to deal with
at this point. Good luck with it. Will check back in a year or so.

Will leave the status as is.

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