--- Comment #2 from Alex Thurgood <> 2012-06-30 04:33:40 PDT 
(In reply to comment #1)
> OK, obviously you folks don't care much about bugfixes. This has been open for
> something like two and a half weeks, and no attention has yet been given.
> I'll just go find another office suite, hopefully one that *works*.
> Congratulations on "resolving" a bug by losing a customer.

Did you pay for the use of this software ? If not, then you are not a customer,
merely a user, and an obviously dissatisfied one. Nonetheless, you are not a

If you did pay for it then, you have been done, LibreOffice is free (both as in
beer, and in the rights conveyed in the software), and you should take your
quibble up with whoever managed to con you into spending money to download and
install it.

Now, as a user of a free (as in monetarily free) and volunteer driven project,
you might feel disgruntled at a certain functionality not working. However,
that gives you absolutely no right to demand that any problem be solved in any
sort of time frame. You could express your desire for it to be done, you might
even be able to help resolve the problem (if there is actually a problem), but
that is about as far as your demands can go.

If you had read up on the bug submission process, you would have noticed that
most reports require a step by step detailed instruction of how to reproduce
the behaviour you consider buggy. In addition, a sample file, or at least a
script enabling the database to be reproduced, and the query used, would be
more than helpful. You have done neither of these things, yet are content to
gripe at the alleged slowness of the bug triaging process.

Even paid-up software with a telephone help desk system would require more
information than you have given in order to even attempt to help you.


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