--- Comment #33 from ---
(In reply to Mike Kaganski from comment #32)
> The discussion went off-topick. If you want to change standards, this is not
> a place for this. You may submit your proposal to OASIS. Please don't forget
> to mention there a way to create lockfiles in a write-protected directory
> where only the opened file is write-allowed.

If ODF standard had a lock file defined covering the case of a write protected
directory with opened file is write allowed is really simple but not 100
percent safe.  Why ODF is a ZIP file so a directory in it own right so fail
location to write lock file is inside the zip file directory itself that has to
be write allowed.   This is normally not preferred due to risk of collision.

So yes a lock file being part of standard makes 100 percent sense.  Even
possible leaving a preallocated file in a ODF to hold lock data if needed would
make sense.

Over the symlink behaviour not matching .lnk file with Hyperlink really need to
go up to OASIS for ruling if Libreoffice handling of this case is standard or
not.  If what Libreoffice is doing is ruled standard then close this bug as not
a bug.  Worst case Libreoffice will have to alter its behaviour to match what
.lnk does if OASIS rules that way.

This is why I reopened the bug is there is no ruling to close this bug. 
Without a ruling what Libreoffice is doing in the case of this bug could be
wrong.   If it is wrong the sooner we find out the better due to the number of
users that might be effected.

So there are really two standard alterations that need to go to OASIS.

I am not in the Technical Committee so I will have to submit these two by a person in Technical Committee could taken
the problems straight to to get rulings.

This is why I reopened this bug.  If someone in the Technical Committee is
watching they could take over this bug until ruling is got resulting in planned
alteration to standard that could be just confirming current behaviour.

Now to get ruling you need to provide why this means I do at times need an open
bug.   So I really cannot submit up to OASIS for ruling if the bug here is
going to closed since I need this for why ruling is required on the hyperlink

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