--- Comment #6 from Howard Johnson <> ---
I have a new simpler suggestion to resolve and clarify this, given what is
currently in place.

Make a new section for Views, and organize things like this: 

  Tables, Queries, Views, Forms, Reports, ..

This will keep the concept of LO Views unchanged, as it is now.

But it will make it clear that Views are not tables.

It will also make it clear that Views are not queries. 

And it suggest that Views are more capable than LO queries, which they are.  

And it might suggest, as is the case, that views are based on queries, (like
they appear to be, as far as I can see.)

Although LibreOffice Base, looks very similar to MS Access on the surface, in
fact this is misleading because the very concept of a Query in Base is quite
different from a Query in Access.  To Access converts this is problematic.

Here is an Acccess / LO Base comparison of terms & features:

                 editable?   formattable (e.g. centered, and renamed foo)?
===============  =========   =============================================
LO Base Query:      no           no
---------------  ---------   ---------------------------------------------
Access Query:       yes*         yes
---------------  ---------   ---------------------------------------------
LO Base View:       yes          yes
---------------  ---------   ---------------------------------------------

* Some queries are not editable, e.g. when the data they return no longer
directly connects to the underlying tables.

It's too bad that LO and Access came to use the word Query so differently.  I
can see why LO did this, to try to get back to a simpler view of a query based
on a SQL query, where Access expanded a Query to also make it transparently

I like what Access did much better than what LO did.  And it's too late to give
a LO query a new name to unify this.  So the best I think we can do is clarify
what a view is and how it contrasts with a LO query.

(I am new to Base and struggling to understand it, and so I hope my facts as
stated above are correct.)

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