--- Comment #17 from Mike Allen <> ---
As I explained in comment 8, I'm reluctant to try updating my OpenCL SDK as I
don't want to break whichever product is using it. I don't have time to
reinstall every piece of simulation software I use, as I have more pressing
concerns right now.

Simply having an outdated SDK should not cause LibreOffice to hang -
particularly in applications, such as when Writer and Impress, that supposedly
do not use OpenCL.

Incidentally, can you explain why the 32-bit LibreOffice runs just fine, while
the 64-bit version hangs? If it's because the 64-but version tries to use my
OpenCL driver, while the 32-bit version doesn't, then is there a way I can
disable use of OpenCL in the 64-bit version to verify whether that is the
actually the cause of the hang? At least then I'd know whether it was worth my
time updating the OpenCL SDK when I do get the time...

Thanks for your assistance!

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