--- Comment #8 from Kevin <> ---
Here are three steps, each with an attached JPG (step-1, step-2, step-3.jpg)
that show unequivocal corruption. Before doing these steps I deleted the user
profile and rebooted the computer. Each step is shown with a jpg.

1. click cell K2695
observe: there is nothing in the formula bar - the cell is empty
2. type "o"
observe: an "o" and nothing else appears in the formula bar
3. type space bar
expected: an "o" and a space should appear in the formula bar
actual: a whole string of text (from another cell that has not been accessed in
any way since the PC was rebooted) appears. 

This problem occurs with some but not all of the cells in the document.

I am done trying to help improve this program if you don't take this seriously,
realizing how many millions of your users will be opening Microsoft Excel
documents. This is REALLY messed up.

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