--- Comment #2 from ---
2 have occurred just in my household:

1- my daughter wanted to cut and paste song lyrics into a story she was
writing, but in paragraph form.  So she needed to at the end of every line hand
delete the paragraph break and replace it with a space.  It was a very long

2- I have hundreds/thousands of old emails from back when they were sent only
in plain text format.  When you would reply, the paragraphs would be
word-wrapped at 76 characters (or so) and on each new line a "> " would be
prepended.  We'd format new paragraphs by having 2 carriage returns. 
Preserving old emails into a document requires replacing all those single
carriage returns with spaces and the double carriage returns with single
carriage returns.  A lot of reformatting.

Basically - this is something you run into with reformatting text obtained from
elsewhere.  Also, it would be helpful for bringing text from or to a
spreadsheet format.

Clearly it is not a theoretical problem. In fact, a quick google search finds
complaints about this going back 5-6 years, with some painful workarounds. But
really this should just be in the already available find/replace feature. 
Noone should have to cut and paste thier LibreWriter doc into MSWord to be able
to replace on <CR>.

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