--- Comment #2 from Howard Johnson <> ---
In reply to robert

> You could, as workaround, put the field, which shouldn't refresh, to a
> second form beside the first form.

Interesting idea. Thanks Robert.  I appreciate your help.

I implemented it and it works for my current needs. 

Unfortunately it makes the design more complicated, in my mind unnecessarily
complicated, now having to keep track of 2 forms.  

And this additional complexity also introduces a new minor issues, in that a
user might try to move the record pointer forward while focus is on the lookup
list box, and this doesn't make any sense.

My # one goal in submitting reports here is to hopefully help the next guy use
Base more easily.  I have found so many rough edges on Base that made it
unnecessarily hard to use.

The list box, perhaps the most important control to help put the 'relational'
word in a relational database, is full of issues.  For example, it can't cut
and paste, does not allow multiple columns, has the ID as the 2nd field when it
should probably be the first (left most), does not easily select items by
typing without chaos, is almost unusable on narrow width fields, and transposes
Abc into ABc when you want Abc, but ABc is also found.

Combo Box is not much better, and is actually worse in that it can't handle
more than one field at a time so it is almost totally useless at editing

I suspect, unfortunately, that these rough edges and many more are a good part
of the reason Base is not used that much, as I think it is otherwise a quite
capable tool!

How do I conclude that Base is not used that much?  I have watched many people
ask Base questions at, but even though they get reasonably
good and prompt answers I don't see them return.  I can't imagine that they are
continuing to use Base, especially because there are no further question coming
from them.  Yes a few do use Base.

I have stuck w/ Base because I want to have a reasonable alternative to Access
that is not owned by MS and that I can use on Linux.  To that end I hope to
help do what I an can, which at the moment is to report issues I am having in
using Base, and try to make good suggestion to improve it.  I admit that I'm
not right all of the time.  But I do have almost 40 years of database
experience starting with ISAM on an IBM 370 mainframe, and I know what Access
2003 can easily do, and I see no reason Base should not be able to at least
meet that bar.  It doesn't have to do it the same way, but it does need to be
able to easily handle relational data.

So I think unless someone can come up with a solid reason why unbound fields
should be cleared, in my mind this remains an unnecessary rough edge in Base.

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