--- Comment #8 from <> 
Reply to Comment 4 of Markus Mohrhard 2017-06-27 23:52:32 UTC :
I have looked in the standard ISO/IEC 26300-1 "Information technology — Open
Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.2 — Part 1:
OpenDocument Schema" for a parameter usable to save the Add value for Optimal
Row Height, but I haven't found.
Because it is a row property I would expect as parameter an attribute of
"style:table-row-properties" like "style:use-optimal-row-height" or
"style:row-height" (seen in content.xml = part of ods files), but I've found
only this:

17.17. 17.17 <style:table-row-properties>
The <style:table-row-properties> element specifies formatting properties for
table rows.
The <style:table-row-properties> element is usable within the following
elements: <style:default-style> 16.4 and <style:style> 16.2.
The <style:table-row-properties> element has the following attributes:
fo:background-color 20.175, fo:break-after 20.177, fo:break-before 20.178,
fo:keep-together 20.193, style:min-row-height 20.312, style:row-height 20.340
and style:use-optimal-row-height 20.384.
The <style:table-row-properties> element has the following child element:
<style:background-image> 17.3.

IMHO this confirms the assumption of Markus Mohrhard and I guess that the value
cannot be saved without an enhancement of the standard.

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