--- Comment #4 from French Language Coordinator <> ---
"Saisie semi-automatique" définit une fonction qui permet à l'utilisateur
d'entrer uniquement les premiers caractères d'un champ déjà tapée précédemment
et d'obtenir automatiquement le contenu du champ.

It is much longer, yes, but could be something else. Like any good translation,
thoughts have to go into it. Quality does not always come easy.  

The fact that a translation has been wrong one way or another for years cannot
possibly be a reason not to correct it. This kind of logic implies that if a
coding bug has been present for such a long time that users are now used to the
buggy behaviour, then it shouldn't be corrected.

A discussion needs to be open to get anywhere, and the result of a true
resolution process, not a unilateral decision between your and your colleague.

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