--- Comment #12 from ---
Thank you for your speedy reply. 

Please could you see the 3rd attachement as the reference image here. The
inclusion of Word 2010 is intersting, it makes me think LO is more
interoperable in this field with that gerenation of MSoffice products, which is
interesting in it's own right I suppose, but not entirely relevant to this
particular problem.

The vector image was created with Word 2016, and that is attached as the
reference image above under "windows" (3rd attchment). 

With regards LO6, I believe you're opening the docx file and this is no
improvement over the prior 5.3 release's handling of the docx saved file,
attached as a screenshot above (2nd attachement) "LO DOCX". 
Issues, apart from the text you mentioned, are misplaced arrows. Again I ask
you refer to the MS 2016 and not 2010 as the reference. 

Of note, there has been improvement with the rendering of the ODT saved format
of the same,  from 5.4 (not attached, as you can generate yourself) in
comparison to 5.3 (attched, 1st attachement), however it is still poor. 

I hope this information is helpful

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