--- Comment #28 from Bob Furber <> ---
I searched Help and web for "page crossing(s)" and "hard break" without
success. Came across Insert -> Manual Break -> page, but that did not allow me
to save page styles correctly to docx, either:

1. Open simple 1 page template:
Page style: Default
Added text - Paragraph styles: Title, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Default
text, Body text
Footer style: filename, page number (arabic: 1, 2, 3..), date

2. Menu → Format → Page → Organizer → Style: UNABLE to CHANGE page style from

3. Sidebar → Styles and Formatting → Page → double-clicked on Index: Page style
changed to "First Page"

4. New line after Title: Paragraph style Text Body

5. Menu → Insert → Manual Break → Page → Style → Index |  Change page number ->
1: The cursor moved to a 2nd page with a Index style . The 1st page kept First
Page style. The page count in the lower left of the screen changed from Page 1
of 1 to Page 3 of 3!!

6. Menu → Insert → Manual Break → Page → Style → Default Style |  Change page
number -> 1: The cursor moved to a 3rd page with a Default Style style . The
1st page kept First Page style. The 2nd page maintained its Index style. The
page count in the lower left of the screen changed from Page 3 of 3 to Page 5
of 5!!

7. Saved as a template

8. Created new PageStylesSaveAs.odt (attached) and PageStylesSaveAs.docx using
the new template

9. Saved and closed both documents

10. Opened 3 page PageStylesSaveAs.docx:
Page 1 (Page 1 of 5) has acquired Default Style
Page 2 (Page 2 of 5) has acquired Converted1 style, Page number changed from
italic to arabic
Page 3 (Page 3 of 5) has acquired Converted2 style, Page number  was dropped,
but came up as arabic when added

11. Saved, closed and reopened as 2 page (!!) PageStylesSaveAs.docx:
 Page 1 (Page 1 of 3) remained Default Style
Page 2 (Page 2 of 3) remained Converted1 style, the 2:3 page break vanished so
contents of page 3 moved to page 2 Page number changed from italic to arabic
(that of the no-longer-existing page 3)

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