--- Comment #27 from Yousuf Philips (jay) <> ---
(In reply to Eyal Rozenberg from comment #24)
> Just to give a feel of what I've been taking about. For the David Libre
> spacing issue, just look at the "Ze Dai" (זה די) sequence. Notice how the
> inter-letter spacing between the Daled and Yod is essentially the same as
> the inter-word spacing between the Yod and the following Vav.

Okay i see it. So i guess this is one of the spacing issues you dont like about
David Libre.

(In reply to Eyal Rozenberg from comment #25)
> Created attachment 137926 [details]
> Some header/body font combinations

Nice combinations, though not sure why you included Narkisim in the mix if it
isnt an open source font. Hope others in the hebrew team will give their
opinions what combinations they like.

(In reply to Eyal Rozenberg from comment #26)
> So, a decision is being made about Latin. Why? That is, why isn't it a
> decision about languages? Why should there be a per-language decision? Maybe
> there are good reasons for it, maybe there aren't. If there are - what are
> they?

It is being discussed about Latin languages as a whole and individual Latin
languages can chose to adopt it or not. Every language should have the
independence to decide this based on what is common/best for that individual
language, just like how we are doing so here for Hebrew.

> First - I'm against the David Libre as the default (see below), but

The hebrew team, and possibly with input from the hebrew community, has to
decide which of the two David fonts they prefer to be default. My patch is
awaiting a final decision on it, as i'm indifferent about it.

> regardless, I'm personally against mixing serifs and non-serifs in font
> preference lists. On the web you usually see something like "super special
> sans serif fonts; kind of special sans serif font; helvetica; sans serif" or
> the same thing but with all serif fonts. I'd rather have a less-pleasing
> choice for a default font as a substitution than switch from serif to sans
> serif or back.

Didnt quite follow you here as i listed serif fonts separately from sans font
and was simply showing the sort order of what LO would pick based on what fonts
are on a users system.

> Ah, but the supposed "cramping" is what makes it a great running text font.
> The close-to-identical character widths and spacing are a _problem_, not a
> benefit: They prevent your eyes from properly capturing entire words and
> disrupt the reading sequence, making it a sequence of recognizing individual
> glyphs and putting them together. For this reason alone I would not at all
> recommend David Libre as the default; I'd even take a nice sans serif in its
> stead. I'd even insist that whatever I got in David Libre be changed to
> something else before reading it (if I can).

So you prefer the crammed look, which David Libre has less of compared to David
CLM, got it.

> Nachlieli doesn't give off the same vibe as Alef. It's much less
> presumptuous. To take what I mean to the extreme, suppose you were using
> some kind of Times for the body and MS Comic Sans for the headings. It's
> just... doesn't fit. Again, I'm taking this to the extreme. See my last
> attachment.

Got it, but you dont have to convince me, its up to the hebrew team to come to
some agreement. :D

> How about if I opened a bug about adding the extra weights in after 72944 is
> resolved?

You could but i've been waiting 3 years so far since i joined for it to be
fixed and dont see it being fixed anytime soon.

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