--- Comment #22 from Drew Jensen <> ---
Does anyone think that the correct way would be to use the current OS TZ
informtion when the migration assistant to change the data so what the user
sees in the Base UI is the same before and after migration?

I bet if that were asked to users a bunch would say yes, and some absolutely.

So that is actually the issue, isn't it. 

It is not a big deal to change the values, with a four step process, add
column, move data with offset fixup, drop the old column, rename the new one to
match the old. (of course there is any optional steps of dropping and
recreating things like views and relations that might of used those old
columns..but) - but big enough that I can easily bet that some of the users who
would of voted yes above are not going to be happy about that as a solution -
even with clear examples of how to do it. (which I would be willing to put

Let me to take the role for a minute to advocate for making the fixup final in
the migration assistant it would be along this line: Firebird today doesn't
understand this timezone fixup stuff, it just takes what you give it as a value
and gives you back that same value. If the migration assistant leaves UTC
values in the tables and the users continue to add local time values going
forward now there is a real mess if ever Firebird comes out with an upgrade
that starts recognizing TZ, cause now the datastore is mixed.

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