--- Comment #1 from Alex Thurgood <> ---
@bdj: including the JRE by default is unlikely to happen, if only due to the
increased size of the downloadable bundle.

Even offering to download it after a check is problematic because Oracle is
moving to a commercial licence for its own JRE, and the "free" community
JRE/JDK requires the user to install it themselves (from a non-obvious
website). How is the system to know which version of the JDK/JRE the user would
like, especially if there is a commercial version already installed ?

Furthermore, there is a trend to reducing reliance on Java within LibreOffice,
hence the migration to Firebird (in progress) as the default embedded db engine
for the future. Java VM will then only be needed for those people requiring
reports, and backend connectivity via JDBC drivers to other Java-based db
engines (and for legacy support of embedded hsqldb of course). Legacy support
for old ODB files will probably not continue for ever.

All of the above tend to lean against any automatic inclusion of a Java VM in
the LibreOffice download.

BTW, you don't mention which OS you are running LibreOffice on, please provide
that information.

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