--- Comment #21 from Howard Johnson <> ---
I think I see partly what is going on.

First the basics.  Affects me too; both LO 5.4 &;
GNU/Linux Debian Stretch 9.6 / CUPS 2.2.1 / Canon MG2900 printer

How to demonstrate:

Start LO and create a new writer document.

Then you need to carefully step over other bug (will be the subject of another
bug report) before we can proceed with the description of this bug.  Basically
it matters weather the letter you're writing has once (ever) had the print
dialog opened or not.  

Note, that you don't have to actually print, but you have to open the initial
print dialog with Menu|File|Print.  Then you can cancel this. 

If you don't do this, then the text of your new envelope, shows up over-top of
your letter which is just wrong, rather than in a separate envelope above your
letter.   :-( 

I mention this not because it might have some relevance here, but because you
need to do this to cleanly get to the next step.

Now do this:  Menu|Insert|Envelope...  then in the `Format` tab, under `Size`
and then `Format` select an envelope size.  Then hit the `Insert` button at the
bottom.  And finally do Menu|File|Print.

Now look at the preview in the left part of the Print dialog.  Sometimes it's
correct, and sometimes it's not.

For my Cannon-MC2900 printers, I'm seeing the wrong dimensions here.  (Snapshot

But if in the General tab under Printer I select different printer, like the
CP4020, now the preview is correct.  (Unfortunately I can't currently fully
test this printer because I'm away from it.  In a few months I hope to test

For the Canon-MG2900 selecting any envelope size smaller in width than the
width of a Letter, i.e. 8.5" causes this preview to be incorrect.  The way you
test this is to close the printer dialog.  Re-select Menu|Insert|Envelope... 
Then again under `Format` tab, `Size` `Format` select a new envelope size. 
Then choose the `Modify` button at the bottom.  Then go back to
Menu|File|Print, and look at the preview.  For example choose the #8 Monarch

But now you see another bug, for the preview of this envelope shows that it's
formatted as a full Letter size, i.e. portrait mode 8.5" wide x 11" tall, not
as a Monarch envelope size.

First, if you think about, the wider envelopes would have to be printed in
landscape, rather than portrait.

But even this doesn't explain why the Monarch doesn't print correctly.

So as near as I can tell, there are at least 3 bugs here.  Sorry, I know you
want to see them one at a time.  

So I think let's just stick with the fact that you can't correctly print
Com-10, but all the while, keep in mind that these other two things are also

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