--- Comment #2 from kivi <> ---
I had some time for checking this weekend.
It turned out that the reported bug is some thing different than my first
impression about it.

What I found:
1. The indication about the Language of some word can be visible only if the
Writer windows will be maximized.
2. If you are enforced to use some smaller window, let say to be capable to
read some document in one Window and write about it in the second window of
Writer, then the information about the language of the words is not visible. It
disappears from the bottom part of the LibreOffice Writer window.
3. Also I have checked some documents written in Russian, Bulgarian, English
and some other languages all together.
Unfortunately in some cases there even by maximized window the information on
the bottom part of the window disappears and appears again from time to time.
The reason for this may be that I have copied the test text form internet and
pasted it as HTML in my test documents.
Also probably some difficulties may create the fact that many words in Russian
are the same as in Bulgarian and their written form is the same as the alphabet
of both languages is common.
This needs more investigation but I could do it probably in the next weekends.

May be the difficulties created by the need for more clicks to achieve the same
thing because the new design of the interface of the Writer need to be removed
from this report and put in a new report asking for improvements, because it
looks like this behaviour is not bug but design decision?

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