--- Comment #8 from stfhell <> ---
I have tested LibreOffice with Adobe Reader 9.5.1 (the most current
version available for Linux) on Ubuntu Linux 12.04/x86. Issue (2) has indeed
disappeared with the current version. There is no reformatting anymore.

Concerning issue (1), the bad conversion of non-ASCII-7-characters:

I copied the string "Köpfen" from a PDF and this is what Adobe Reader put in
the clipboard in format "text/rtf":

{\rtf1\ansi\uc1 {\fonttbl\f0\froman
TVTPJB+CaslonBookBE-Regular;}\pard\plain\ql\f0\fs20 {\fs22 K\'C3\'B6pfen}}

Microsoft's RTF standard 1.9.1 says: "Text characters can be handled using the
16-bit Unicode character-encoding scheme defined in this section. Expressing
this text in RTF required a new mechanism, because until Word 97, RTF handled
only 7-bit characters directly and 8-bit characters encoded as hexadecimal
using \'xx."

So, Adobe Reader writes the "ö" UTF-8-encoded in the normal RTF notation for
ANSI characters. UTF-8 is not a defined encoding scheme in RTF. As far as I can
see, the "ö" should be encoded in a suitable ANSI character set (code page) or
as a Unicode character using the "\u" command ("\uc1" configures the RTF reader
to expect decimal representation of U+00F6 = UTF-8 C3-B6 followed by the ANSI
representation of "ö": in RTF "\u246\'f6" ).

(By the way, LO 3.5 made the same mistake of using UTF-8 in RTF files; seems to
be corrected in LO 3.6.)

So unless I misread the specification, Adobe Reader encodes bad RTF.

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