--- Comment #25 from Péter, Lőrincz <> ---
Created attachment 68216
Excel files exported from LibreOffice to Excel conditional format formula bug

Opening a conditinally formatted Microsoft Excel (2003) workbook with
LibreOffice, when I do not edit conditional formatting, formulas {ie. in sheet
Név1 cell D38 condformat 1 C38(:C68)} are shifted to the first row {in this
example C1(:C31)} when I open it with Microsoft Excel 2003, but containes the
original {here C38(:C68)} formula when I open it with LibreOffice. It is valid
in all conditionally formatted cells and all sheets. (see
Excel_Condformat_Example1.xls - extractable from the zip file)
If the first row containes first conditionally formatted cell of the range,
LibreOffice may shift the formula toward a farther column (ie.
Excel_Condformat_Example6.xls and ...7.xls from column A to column IV).
It does not depend if I edited the content of the conditionally formatted cell
with LibreOffice (see sheet Név1 cell I42 in Excel_Condformat_Example2.xls).
Reopening the exported Excel xls file in LibreOffice will show the original
correct Excel formula again. It means there can be bug(s) in the import filter,

However, if I edited the conditional formatting of a cell or just opening the
conditional formatting dialog and clicking OK (pressing Enter), many but not
all of the conditional formatting of other cells of the sheet will disappear
(see sheet Név1 around cell I42 in Excel_Condformat_Example3.xls and ...4.xls).
Other sheets are not affected in this case.
Conditional formatting referring to the same cell is all right

I hope it will help finding the bug in the import/export filter of Microsoft
Excel in case of conditional formatting formula of cells.

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