--- Comment #5 from Bastián Díaz <> ---
(In reply to andreas_k from comment #4)
> I din't know that we want a branding. Since now EVERYTHING is without brand
> and respect the desktop theme.

Any organization seeks to build a reliable brand that represents their product
and community, beyond any intangible identity. Respecting the desktop theme is
not contradictory to maintaining a brand.

> If LibO want an brand, than LibO has to decide the brand and THAN we can
> brand LibO.

In all the time that TDF has existed, a brand has been built in both the
intangible and the tangible. Within the latter is the visual identity (Ex.
Logo, icons, colors, typography, etc.). There are already characteristic visual
elements that identify a brand (LibreOffice) that corresponds to be used in a
unique and coherent way everywhere.

> For example if you install LibO on any linux desktop, the
> mimetype and app icon from the icon theme was choosen (if available) only
> the backup is the LibO icon from the source code. Compare to Firefox this is
> possible, cause there is no trademark.

Theming in gnu/linux is particularly problematic, simply because the FLOSS
allows it and it is fine, however, unlike what you mentioned above, the
designers of icons themes should respect the visual identity of the
applications. LibO Main icon and modules icon are a problem (Some distros
maintain the branding despite using custom icon themes), however, icons of
mimetypes can be handled by the operating system of turn in a neutral way,
(although currently it is common to see thumbnails before icons).

It is for the above, that in the report I mention mainly the icon styles,
because it is easier to control to maintain a coherence. It is also more
difficult or unusual for users modified themes icons in Windows and macOS.

> From my point of view I didn't see the benefit of use "official" app icons
> in the start center 

Consistent visual identity, with all that that means.
I believe that LibreOffice currently fails in this part of its communication

> in addition you have to update all icons in the start
> center to have a unique brand (so also the folder, template, ... icons)

Of course, I do not know the necessary technical changes, but before that it is
necessary to discuss the relevance of the topic.

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