--- Comment #11 from stfhell <> ---
(re Comment #10) I don't think it makes much sense to discuss the merits of
various spaces or typography issues, Simo, especially on LO Bugzilla. The
characters exist, people can use them, and LO should handle them as well as
possible. The details are often just a matter of taste, or the willingness to
distinguish among a dozen kinds of space characters...

I think Roman's proposal (Comment #3) to let the user configure in
Options/Writer/Compatibility how the classical "hard space" (encoded as U+00A0)
should be handled (fixed-width as in Word or proportional as Unicode says) is a
very practical solution. The Compatibility menu gives users the choice to set
an option just for the current file or use it as a default.

If you decide to go with Unicode standards and configure a proportional U+00A0,
you can use the characters that Unicode has defined as fixed-width spaces:
U+2000 to U+200A, U+202F, U+205F.

The problem here is interoperability with MS Word, because Word, as said,
displays all characters not defined in the font as "box characters". But
probably this is becoming less of a problem. I had a look at some fonts: For
Windows 7, Microsoft supplies fonts that actually define the various Unicode
spaces. So it would be users of older Windows versions or users of the many
fonts with a more restricted character set that would see the "box character".
You can, as a workaround, format all fixed-width spaces in Verdana, Times New
Roman or some other Unicode font to avoid that (somewhat, at least).

You can use to check some font glyph sets:
(for U+202F), or you can use the character map application of the OS.

I have no idea how comprehensive the fonts that come with MacOS are, or if Word
for Mac has the same "box character" issue as Word for Win. Would be good to

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