--- Comment #2 from Mike Kaganski <> ---
A transcript from #libreoffice IRC chat:

> Marqeaux has joined
> Marqeaux: Hi everybody. I want to ask a question about the formula bar in 
> Calc. The font size in the formula bar has been increased for better 
> readability. Is there a way to make the font size in the formula bar smaller 
> again, just like it was in previous versions of LibreOffice?
> Marqeaux: Oh, I'm using LibreOffice 6.3.0. I forgot to mention that piece of 
> information...
> quikee[m]: Marqeaux: interesting ... it's the same size for me
> Marqeaux: I got LibreOffice 6.3.0. on more machines installed. The formula 
> bar shows a bigger font (too big for my taste), and the formula bar is also 
> increased in height. It used to have the same height as the cell bar (where 
> you see in which cell you are)...
> Marqeaux: I prefer the situation like it was in LO 6.2. (the formula bar, I 
> mean...)
> Marqeaux: ;)
> mikekaganski: Marqeaux: I confirm font size increase in 6.3
> quikee[m]: maybe it manifests in windows. I was looking in Linux with gtk3 
> backend
> quikee[m]: we modified the scrollbars of the formula bar.. could be that has 
> influenced the size
> mikekaganski: quikee[m]: /me bisects
> Marqeaux: Is there a way in the expert configuration to alter the size of the 
> fonts in the formula bar, and also the height of the formula bar?
> quikee[m]: Marqeaux: no, I don't think so... increase is also not intentional 
> so it looks like you "found" a bug
> mikekaganski: Marqeaux: ... which needs a bug report
> mikekaganski: quikee[m]: 04b60370a73b79e3aa0a04bc7cff45dff1db6286
> Marqeaux: I made a screenshot of what I see (on multiple machines, not only 
> on Xubuntu):
> mikekaganski: Marqeaux: so it was intentional in the end: tdf#101443
> Marqeaux: I guess it's intentional, because more and more software follow the 
> GTK3 guidelines. I think it's awful, because GTK3 makes everything big and 
> bold, and with no borders. I looks like a "Fischer-Price" kinda of 
> approach....
> mikekaganski: Marqeaux: it wasn't because of "GTK3" (and most LO users are on 
> Windows btw); it was because of the previous font was unreadable on some 
> macOS (not using GTK3 also)
> mikekaganski: Marqeaux: "In addition to inputline redesign, character size 
> has been increased to 120% of original size. This prevents very small / 
> unreadable inputline character sizes on some OS X resolutions"
> Marqeaux: Ah, alright. But anyway.... I takes up too much space now. It's 
> fine that the fonts in the formula bar are bigger, but I hope that there's a 
> way to make it "normal" again...
> mikekaganski: Marqeaux: the commit mentioned above has the min font size 
> fixed (16, strange size for UI actually). You may file an enhancement request 
> to make it user-configurable or smaller.
> Marqeaux: Yes, I also found it a very strange decission to make it that big. 
> It just doesn't fit into the GUI. I think it's better to make it 
> user-configurable, rather than to leave it "hard-coded". Although my eyes 
> aren't that good (I wear glasses and I'm middle aged), but I never had 
> trouble reading the formula bar as it was before.
> Marqeaux: Where can I file an enhancement request?
> mikekaganski: Marqeaux: I already wrote a comment there in the original bug. 
> I gave you the link to the bug, and that's the site where we write and track 
> reports.
> mikekaganski: Marqeaux: please file your request separately regardless of my 
> comment: it would help to provide arguments when needed. Please put the 
> mentioned bug to See Also in the new report. Thanks.
> Marqeaux: Thanks for the advice. I will report it, along with my arguments. 
> Thank you too! ;)
> Marqeaux has disconnected: Quit: Ik ben weg! Tot ziens allemaal!

I still think that it's easy to make a smaaaall tweak - just to make this
little thingie a bit bigger... and then do another tiny tweak to change that a
little... and so on. But if there's a problem with readability of some text
size that is used throughout our application, and there's no such problems in
other applications on that OS, then that means that either we use wrong text
size *universally* in our app (which means we don't get correct size from OS),
or (if we use proper size) that we render text wrong (blurry?). And tweaking
text size in one specific control to workaround is just wrong. A fix is needed,
but in a different place. Please don't enrich the codebase with hacks that
would make it a PITA later to find why something works differently and

And in general - that patch included *different* fixes - something that is
*never* a good thing, e.g. in case when you need to revert one change, but not

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