--- Comment #3 from Andreas Säger <> ---

> with AOO 4.1.5 and "[x] expand references":
> - select row 12
> - context menu: insert row
> -> formula in B11 changes from =SUM($A$6:A11) to =SUM($A$6:A12)

The formula does not calculate the running total anymore. The meaning of this
single formula in B11 has changed. It does not sum up the other column until
the same row.
The R1C1 notation shows this more clearly.

> btw: excel suggest using: =SUM(INDIRECT("A6:A"&ROW()))
describes the proceeding with normal formulas, cell insertion and formula copy.

I have to assume that Excel does not modify the existing formula because this
would mix wrong formulas into the calculated field. 
And OpenOffice still shows the correct behaviour where certain references do
NOT expand. At the moment I have difficulties describing a rule for this. The
old source code should explain it better than I can right now. It could be that
references adjacent to the inserted cells and in the opposite direction to the
move direction remain untouched but I'm not sure.

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